cs go legit skins betting site

Is Howl.gg legit? Reputable CS:GO Jackpot and Coinflip

cs go legit skins gambling site

Howl.gg is a brand new jackpot and coinflip inspired gambling platform. It is created by the very popular YouTuber Bean and has grown largely in popularity within its short period of being online. It has just launched a week or 2 ago and many of the big bloggers already play on the site. There has recently been a growth in csgo gambling and trading services made by already popular YouTubers and this is just the newest one.

There are no reports what so ever of any scam and I highly doubt there ever will be. The service is very simple with a Jackpot, Coinflip and store. All gambling on the website is directly with skins and it is not possible to actually exchange items for online currency. You either deposit directly to the jackpot with the chance of winning all items in the pot or putting your stuff up for a duel with another user.

Since it is Bean who is the owner of the platform I can ensure you the safety of using the website. There is absolutely no reason for him to risk his fast growing YouTube career by scamming his own fans and he has declared on stream that we are never going to see him play on his own site because he doesn’t want to “pull a PhantomL0rd” as he said on stream.

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howl gg bonus promocode free moneyYou can use our code csgolegit to get yourself some free credits which can be spent in the store. To be brutally honest this money cannot really be used for anything unfortunately as this shop only contains skins of a certain value. As I mentioned earlier you cannot deposit items for money and the way you earn cash to spend in the store is by playing on either the jackpot, coinflip or referring other users yourself.

The shop is mostly for bigger YouTubers who gets a lot of affiliate money but if you play for high stakes, this might also be a nice feature. Besides depositing and playing on the site, 10 cents can be earned every day by having howl.gg in steam profile name.

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howl gg house edge fees commissionsThere are certain house edges on both games. Howl.gg takes on average between 0 to 5 % of both the jackpot and coinflips. This fee can be downed to 0 – 3 % if you include their URL in your steam nickname. With a coinflip of $100 they will if possible tax a skin worth between 0 and $5 but they will never tax an item worth more than 5 %.

This means that a coinflip of $1000 consisting of two $500 knives will not be taxed what so ever while a pot of only $100 might be taxed $5 because there is a skin worth that much. This can definitely be abused and it is always best to bet high valued items instead of many low valued weapons as this lower the chance of Howl.gg taking any of your winnings.


cs go skins betting siteThere are few nice features on Howl.gg including the bonus shop and low avoidable fees. One thing I personally find very helpful is the fact that you are able to see your inventory on Howl.gg and the prices they value each and every skin at before actually depositing them. It is always a shame to deposit an item if the site values it lower than its actual value is so this can for sure be a very helpful tool.

I really like the fact that they chose to make two chatrooms, one for the newcomers and one for the experienced players. This is something I personally miss a lot on various platforms. When there is only one chat for everyone, a lot of new players do nothing but begging for free skins while platforms with no chats for new players can be quite boring for the average users. This way everyone gets to chat and enjoy the company of their fellow players.


howl gg pros consPros

  • The website is owned by the popular Youtuber Bean which ensures high safety
  • Very low and avoidable fees if done correctly
  • Daily money and a free bonus with our code csgolegit
  • A bonus shop available for all players
  • Visible online inventory that values your items before blindly gambling them
  • Two chats, one for the new players and one for the more experienced ones
  • Nice, smooth and simple animation for jackpot and coinflips


  • Pretty hard for the average player to earn enough cash to use the bonus shop
  • Even though house edge is low it can be quite annoying to get your winnings taken away
  • Depending on when you visit the site there may not be so many players online resulting in the jackpot consisting of mostly 3 cent cases etc
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